Thursday, June 27, 2013

Olympics Clearing at Sunset

Not much to say about this.........just some images from Alki.
From Duwamish Head-West Seattle

Mt. Constance

The Brothers

Mt. Washington and Ellinor

Washington State Ferry

Constellation Marine Reserve - Strange 3 siphon Piddock Clam

The last good low tide series for a month brought out two unusual items.  The Cryptic Nudibranch which is found only in association with Kelp Bryozoans and a very strange Piddock Clam with an extra siphon  Some other more common individual species a posted here just because I'm working with a new camera and trying some closeup work.   Noelle Congdon discovered a 3 siphon Piddock Clam....extremely unusual.    It has one exhalant  siphon and two inhalant siphons, perhaps due to a genetic error or repaired damage to the siphon that resulted in an extra opening.  Whatever the reason it's the only one I've ever seen with 3 very cool.
Lots of rain this week....heavy showers, and steady all night week...sunny and mid 80's for Seattle...and a cooking 100+ on the east side of the Cascades.  Next good low tide series July 20,21, 22,23,24.

Piddock Clam with 3 siphons

Extra inhalant siphon

Gaper clam siphon

Hairy Sea Squirt

Moonglow Anemone

Orange Encrusting Bryozoan

Cryptic Nudibranch on Kelp Bryozoan

Cryptic Nudibranch on Kelp Bryozoan

Hairy Shore Crab

Helmet Crab

Moon Snail

Moon Snail

Plainfin Midshipman eggs

Plainfin Midshipman eggs

Red Rock Crab mouth

Red Rock Crab showing 5 spines between eyes

Hairy Shore Crab - snow camouflage 

Thickclaw Porcelain Crab with eggs

Thickclaw Porcelain Crab

Tidepool Sculpin

White Burrowing Sea Cucumber
Red Rock Crab claw